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Welcome maker!

I’m so glad you’re here. There’s so much to show you.

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Yes, now you can get hands-on at home with my new line of DIY Craft Kits. Build your skills in a fun mix of art-making ways. We are using real artist’s materials like clay, paper, wool, cotton, and copper. And you even get to learn all about these materials in the educational video series, At Home with Mindful Makers, now airing on RogersTV 20 in Waterloo Region and Cable 14 in Hamilton! 😻

You can also keep tabs on all my latest creative projects by following along on these social channels!


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Wow, we can’t say enough about how amazingly awesome Mindful Makers camp is! My kids couldn’t wait to get to camp every single morning and were super excited about all the exciting projects. The BEST part of Mindful Makers, is that when camp ends, all of the essential life skills they learned such as sewing, weaving, learning how to use a 3D printer, making things from paper/tape/felt, building a paper roller coaster can ALL be integrated into future creative projects at home. Mindful Makers camp plants the seed for creativity and innovation. Agnes and her staff are wonderful!
-Leanne O’Neil, mom of 11.5 year old twins

Check out my MEDIA PAGE to learn more about the story of Mindful Makers and the passion behind the project!

I’ve been featured in local news articles, arts & culture blogs, and have had multiple TV interviews over the years. I love talking about my favourite topic: making!

Craft Along with me on my Saturday Morning LIVE STREAM SHOW. I’ve created over a dozen episodes of FREE Craft Project Tutorials! Full supplies lists included.